Friday, March 18, 2005

tHe HiLLs ArE aLiVe....

Do - Re - Mi - Fa - So - La - Ti
it's been ages since i watched a musical... & wat better way to jumpstart by watching "tHe SoUnD oF mUsIc" !! ....while sitting in the theatre last nite, i felt that i was transported back to my school days where we would always sing these songs during music class...

RaInDrOp On RoSeS.......(humming) ... that's wat i was doing the whole nite long.. hEhEhE... dun get me wrong .. i didn't sing out loud during the show... didn't dare to... hEEEEE... i was just humming the songs in my heart whole nite long... the set & props was fantastic ... the singing was superb & cute little Greta was just a darling... overall i would give it 2 thumbs up :)


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