Wednesday, March 16, 2005

a MaTter Of BeInG hApPy Or SaD

life never ceases to amaze me times, it can interesting, meaningful, happy & full of other times, it can be sour, sad, boring & spiritless... All these mixed feelings depend solely on your mood & attitude at that moment of time. Sometimes when i sit down & think about my past n achievements, i realized that the gap/barrier/line keeping us from being sad or happy can be quite small/simple/direct.

i dare to say this out loud coz i've experienced it myself. Sometimes when we are stuck in a situation and we are feeling depressed, spiritless & hopeless, the world seems so bleak & meaningless... at times like this, we will depend on the support from our family & frens (especially ppl with positive attitude) to guide us out from the "bLaCk HoLe"!!! no matter how motivated & positive u are, you will always need a shoulder to lean on & words of advice...

always remember, " To love others, u must first learn to love yourself ". Only by doing this, can ur frens & loved ones be happy. Nobody will feel loved or happy when they are with ppl that are not able to love themselves... HoW tO lOvE oUrSeLvEs??? i've always asked myself that most ppl it might seem easy but infact it is not that simple. if everyone was able to love themselves then there won't be any overworked, depressed & stressed out ppl walking among our society...

to love ourselves, we must first learn to take care of ouselves. one thing i realized that we should always do is to keep away from ppl with negative attitude if you are the kind that can easily be affected or influenced... we should leave the job of converting the -ve minded to the +ve & strong willed :) only when u r motivated & positive minded, can u love urself, be HAPPY & LiVe YoUr LiFe!!!!


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