Monday, March 07, 2005

tOll mOnEy

nowadays ppl are just so RUDE ... on my way to work this morning, the toll was in a mess as the smart tag & touchngo lanes were closed ... so it was total cHaOs... everyone was trying to cut in at the beginning of the lane...
there was this Volvo SUV that had came out from the same housing area as mine coz earlier on he was behind me at the traffic light... like the rest, he jumped queue in front of me... since it was still early on a monday morning, i wasn't bothered with him at all...
as he was passing by the collection booth, he stopped & opened his window. As the attendant was reaching out her hand to collect the money, he stepped on his gas pedal & just shooted off... the attendant was stunned & speechless... can't blame her too as i was oso caught off guard by his actions.
this kind of incident will definitely make u think wat is becoming to the society... I dun believe that an owner of a fancy car will not be able to afford a measley 60 cents... some ppl r just sick in the head...


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