Monday, January 31, 2005

RoOsTer 6

RoOsTer 5

RoOsTeR 3

RoOsTer 4

RoOsTer 2

RoOsTer 1

hAppY rOoStEr YeAr - Cooooo coo COO !!!

chinese new year is just around the corner... yummy food & tons of angpow... wah $$$$.... pigging out whole day long... hEaven!! .... can't wait...hEhEhE...

Just want to wish all my frens a "Happy Chinese New Year" (Gong XI Fat Cai) wherever you may be....

~ May good fortune and prosperity blossom for you in the New Year!
~ to all my gal frens "May You Stay Young & Beautiful"
~ to the guys "May You find Success and tons of MONEY" ... hEhEhE...
~ Lastly, stay HeAlThY!!!!

Friday, January 28, 2005


the pic speaks for itself... yUmmY!!!

pARadiSe at sEa ...

here's a pic of a chalet located in the Maldives... there is just no words to describe the beauty... really hope that they will be able to rebuild soon ...


They say it takes a mINuTE to find a special person ;
An hOuR to appreciate them ;
A dAy to love them ;
But then an entire LiFe to forget them .


Speak when you are ANGRY --- and you will make the best speech you'll ever REgRET!!!

SoMe tHouGhtS...

while i was browsing through my blog, i realized that i have not been doing much talking (sharing of thoughts) since i've started blogging. therefore i'm going to put down a few lines or even more... depending on how many grandmother stories i have up my sleeves ... heee... HaHaHa...

Currently, i've got a few issues popping into my life. But the biggest one of all is... MYSELF!! Lately, i've been re-evaluating my life & the thought of wanting to become a better person came up... Recently i've made some new frens & i have seen how different their thoughts & lifestyles were from mine & my close frens... then it suddenly hit me that i needed to improve myself...especially my AtTiTudE !!

i just felt that for these past few years, i've been living in my world & have not paid attention to wat was happening outside the fish bowl... its not that i'm spoiled or anything... maybe a little...hEhEhE... but i think it is more to being pRotEcteD then spoiled... honestly speaking, i feel that i have a good life compared to many... therefore i really cherish everything i have rite now but at the same time i feel that i'm couped up in this really small box & i'm slowly suffocating ...

it seems that the good things in my life was the cause of my pain. when i realized this, it hurts me so... then i realized that i could do something abt it. *** the so-called pain that i mentioned previously was there coz i misused my privileges... i should had used them to improve myself (having a more meaningful life, instead of centering my life around materialistic stuff & money)

rite now, i'm trying to change my attitude by being more open-minded, CALM & the most important thing ... trying NoT to be SeNsiTivE about stuff... i've realized that i like to think alot (or as wat my frens like to call it, THINK TOO MUCH) ... especially about irrelevant stuff & then making assumptions based on weird thinking... hAhAhA... i know my changes might not coincide with the aboved caption *** ... it might even seem weird to some ppl...hEhE... i guess this is my little secret where only weird ppl can understand ... hAhAhA...

Thursday, January 27, 2005



The road to success is not straight
There is a curve called failure
A loop called confusion
Speed bump called friends
Red lights called health
Caution lights called family
You'll have flats called jobs
But if you have determination
An engine called perserverance
Insurance called faith
A driver called ACTION
You'll make it to a place called SUCCESS!!

P/S: Thanks! Eunice. For providing me with this encouraging poem :)

Monday, January 24, 2005


Candid shot taken by my fren upon our arrival in Tioman... was too hungry to be bothered at all. we had driven the whole nite.. was so hungry & tired... not bad eh?? for someone who has stayed up the whole nite? heee...

FuNnY tOeS...

i was running out of subjects to take... wat the hEcK!! might as well shoot my own toes... hAhAhA... nice pedicure =)

CoLorFuL ...

on the beach ... taken by me ... not bad uh?? i mean the setting, NOT my photography skill... hahahahaha =P

NO... it is not A CoLorFul LeeCh!!!

for all the non divers reading this, here's a pic of a nudibranch. they come in various sizes, colors & patterns... BeAuTiFul =)

CaLM & PeaCeFuL

taken early in the morning... directly infront of my chalet. this is wat i woke up to every morning...wish i could have this everyday... Sigh...

wAtCha lOOking at !!

we came across a large green sea turtle with a semora (not sure of the spelling...heee) attached at the back. this was a closeup taken by Dennis. Nice!!!

UnderWater WoRld

mmm...forgot wat's the name of the fish... taken by my buddy, Dennis. this was his first in taking underwater pics. I think that he did a very good job for an amateur...Bravo!!!

at ThE bOttOm!!

funny stance... Hahahahaha

me In my FuNNy mAsk

before SINKING to the bottom of the sea... heeee....

3rd diVingG tRiP - Tioman, Sept 2004

on d way to my deep sea adventure... excited & HAPPY!!!

2nd diVinG tRiP - Tenggol, August 2004

Nice huh?? Tenggol is one of the nicer diving spots coz it is still undeveloped...Au Naturel...heee...

wEt sUiT...

ada GAYA or not? thick skin lar...heeee...taken in Tenggol


The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the most of everything that comes along their way.


The brightest future will always be based on forgotten past;
You can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures & heartaches.


Don't go for looks; they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile,
Because it takes only a smile,
To make a dark day seem bright.
Find the one that makes your heart SMILE!!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Way of Expressing ...

when my fren told me that i was going to be addicted once i started blogging, i had my doubts... i was asking myself, "how addicted can i be??"... hahaha... now i'm begin to understand wat she means.

Once u started blogging it is quite difficult to stop. To me, blogging is like writing in my diary but doing it the high tech way... heeeeee... sharing my thoughts & life with frens... but MAINLY it is an outlet to express myself.

i always believe that we should never suppress ourselves; instead we should try to let ppl around us come in to our world. Only by doing this, we can say that we are living our lives coz we must realized that we are not alone in this world and we human beings cannot survive without interaction.

~ MeaNingFul ~

I wish you enough

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final goodbye.

~ QuoTe ~

When the door of happiness closes, another opens;
But often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one, which has been opened for us.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

My first Diving trip - Redang, May 2004

Look at the clear water.... Kinda reminds of u of a postcard huh???

CuTie PiE... yuMMieee!!!!

Here's a pic of my fren's nephew... i just couldn't resist posting this... He is such a cutie pie... Sooooo adorable... I can still remember the first time i met him. He wasn't afraid of me at all & i carried him for almost 2 hrs... Boy...was he heavy =)

Scary Ghosssst Picture ???

A candid shot taken when I was in Penang on Jan 1st, 2005. One of my fren commented that it looked scary coz of my reflection... Mmmm... i wonder whether it will end up as one of those scary ghost pics that ppl circulate around through email... hahahaha...

whew... finalllllyy... I was able to post my display pic

damn it took me almost 3 hrs to figure out how to post the display pic... it's not that i'm slow or anything like that ( egoistic of me) but the website uses another software which was very different from the usual ones... therefore it took me a while before i could master it. luckily i had my fren, Su Zane to show me the ropes... Thanks girl ... I'm forever indebted =)

finally i can start posting stuff up here... heeee..........

My very first BLOG! heeeee...........

Hahahaha... I'm enjoying myself rite now although i have no idea wat i'm actually doing... started becoming interested in blogging (not sure whether this is the correct term..hahahaha) after reading my fren's blog for the past month or so... hope i'll enjoy it as much as she does (crossing my fingers) ... heeee ...=)
Looking forward to share my life up here & I'm hoping that my frens will enjoy it too...

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