Friday, January 28, 2005

SoMe tHouGhtS...

while i was browsing through my blog, i realized that i have not been doing much talking (sharing of thoughts) since i've started blogging. therefore i'm going to put down a few lines or even more... depending on how many grandmother stories i have up my sleeves ... heee... HaHaHa...

Currently, i've got a few issues popping into my life. But the biggest one of all is... MYSELF!! Lately, i've been re-evaluating my life & the thought of wanting to become a better person came up... Recently i've made some new frens & i have seen how different their thoughts & lifestyles were from mine & my close frens... then it suddenly hit me that i needed to improve myself...especially my AtTiTudE !!

i just felt that for these past few years, i've been living in my world & have not paid attention to wat was happening outside the fish bowl... its not that i'm spoiled or anything... maybe a little...hEhEhE... but i think it is more to being pRotEcteD then spoiled... honestly speaking, i feel that i have a good life compared to many... therefore i really cherish everything i have rite now but at the same time i feel that i'm couped up in this really small box & i'm slowly suffocating ...

it seems that the good things in my life was the cause of my pain. when i realized this, it hurts me so... then i realized that i could do something abt it. *** the so-called pain that i mentioned previously was there coz i misused my privileges... i should had used them to improve myself (having a more meaningful life, instead of centering my life around materialistic stuff & money)

rite now, i'm trying to change my attitude by being more open-minded, CALM & the most important thing ... trying NoT to be SeNsiTivE about stuff... i've realized that i like to think alot (or as wat my frens like to call it, THINK TOO MUCH) ... especially about irrelevant stuff & then making assumptions based on weird thinking... hAhAhA... i know my changes might not coincide with the aboved caption *** ... it might even seem weird to some ppl...hEhE... i guess this is my little secret where only weird ppl can understand ... hAhAhA...


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