Monday, February 21, 2005

iT's bEEn a wHilE....

ermmm... how long has it been since i have blogged... (scratching my heads)... wow... i dun even remember. i think it was before chinese new year... time has sure passed by quite quicky this cny... my 2 weeks were filled with visiting frens & relatives, angpows (hEEE...), a bit of gambling, fireworks & last of all FOOD!!!

i had never eaten that much ever in my life... went for "lo sang" almost every nite... DaNg!!! after all those rich food, it's time to start my new dieting plan... hAhAhA.... i'm kinda scared of food... especially yu sang... had my final one last nite... it was my final line. i could barely take it in but a relative had asked, "Why aren't u eating??" ; therefore i had to force down a few mouthfuls of yu sang to stop her from questioning ...


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