Friday, February 04, 2005

aSSumpTIONS & CoNcLusions.....

why do we human beings always like to make assumptions & jump to conclusions? ... this question has been surfacing quite frequently in my thoughts lately...

lately, i've noticed that many arguements or misunderstandings always begin with either one... & i'm sad to say that i've also joined the general crowd... wat has happen 2-way communication???

always try to be direct & honest.. not everyone is able to read our mind... this is directed especially to all the gals out there... "Dears... our bfs will always be on a slightly different wavelength from us no matter how compatible you are" - DUN JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS

therefore please spare them the agony of scratching their heads & guessing the hidden codes behind our words... hAhAhA...
to the blokes.. "Pls be more understanding to the feelings of ur gals" - NEVER ASSUME

the same theory applies between frens too... no matter wat gender it is... gals & gals or guys & guys... always try to be straightforward with each other...

i end this session with this word of advice to everyone:
Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.


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