Tuesday, March 01, 2005

tImE fLiEsss....

can't really believe it... it's March already... we are almost at the quarter mark of 2005. whether u want to admit it or not but time is passing by so quickly & it waits for no man .... at moment like this, i will start questioning myself, "Did i make the the best of my time so far?", "Wat have i done lately that has made me proud or happy?"& lastly, "Have i been making my life worthwhile?"

All these questions keep me in tune with myself & they are reminders that prevents me from drfiting away from my values & principals... once a while, all of us will wander away from our path.. at times like this, we depend on our frens & family to lead us back to the path by providing advice, support & words of encouragement... this is wat i call LiFe!!!


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