Thursday, May 26, 2005

sunset bridge

Thursday, May 12, 2005

LittLe PaRiS....

from the pic, u wouldn't have guess i was in tokyo uh??? looked like somewhere in Paris or some european countries...hEhEhE

Huge Tako BaLLsssss

these tako(octopus balls) were so delicious... each size was estimated to be a size of a tennis ball... it had everything in it... ham, cheese, octopus, onion, quail egg (yuMMy - My FAV), red ginger... mmm... wat else... too much for me to remember... i could just remember to the taste... yuMMMMMyyyyyyyy



was walking around trying to find the train station...ended up finding this funky liquor shop...very interesting exterior deco....

CooL sTrUcTure...

this building is located at one of the hip street in the shopping area... cool exterior.....quite interesting...

rAmEn? anyone?

my first meal in japan... wat else but RAMEN... hEhEhE... it was so tasty....

boLd & CoLorFul

it was spring in tokyo... flowers were blooming everywhere... i just couldn't resist not taking snapshots of them... just too preEEtty........

GiAnT pAnda

hahahaha....i visited the zoo while i was in tokyo...hehehe...wanted to get a close up with the 2 residents of the zoo... ling ling & ...... i forgot the other name... hEEEE...

mY jApAn TrIp

recently i went to japan for a week of vacation... here are some pics from my trip... hope u guys will enjoy it as much i enjoyed taking them :) .... rite after i landed... the first place i visited was a shrine... this is me infront of the holy water where most ppl like to wash their faces & hands ....quite cooling & refreshing... :)

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