Wednesday, April 20, 2005

hApPy N sImPle

why did i name my blog 'hApPy N sImPle' ? the answer is quite simple actually... hehehehe.. simple again.... :) i'm trying to have a happy & simple life as i feel it is the most ideal & suitable life for me...

nowadays our society is becoming more complicated day by day... i believe the reason for this phenomena is because human beings r getting smarter in thinking (or should i say more educated)... the more knowledge they have, the more they will think that they know it all and this will result to more & more demands & questionings!

it seems that everyone has forgotten that simplicity is the key to a happy life... the more expectations & demands u make, more complications will be created... we should be grateful for the things we have but at the same time we should strive hard for a better future... but this have to be done in a balance method whereby we should cherished wat we have & at the same time work harder... at the end of the day it is the journey & the accumulated experience that matters the most & not the end product......

Be humble & grateful!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

sPrInG fLoWeRs

Monday, April 04, 2005

cHiLLing at the veRanDa


enjoying sweet tasting fruits while chilling at the beach... wat more can i ask for???

cLeAr wAtEr

liked this pic a lot... just standing there in the midst of clear water

fOOt pRinT

once again i have left my mark on another different beach... hEhEhE...

ChEErFul OraNge

beautiful surprise... came across this pretty flower along the beach

FeeLinG nosTaLgic

a picture that makes u wish that u were there...

SecLudEd BeAcH...

came across this beautiful beach on one of my exploring trip around the island...

At ThE wInDoW

this is the chalet where i stayed in during my stay... it has a spectacular beach & sea front view it was located rite on the beach... hEEE....

a CraBBy EnCounTer....

i came across this cute fella while walking along the beach in the middle of the day... the sun was shinning at it's most intense heat & this cutie was sun bathing itself on the beach like the rest of us.... hEhEHe

A pAtH to the PaSt

a small jetty used by the locals & fishermen

PeRhEnTiAn - mY 4th Island

awesome view - white sand & clear blue water

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